The Business Side of Architecture 101

Androsky Lugo

July 6, 2022

Androsky Lugo

The book is set up with two pages of ideas, each with a picture to show why that idea is important. There are also quotes from Einstein all over the book, like “The human mind is slow and smart, but a computer is fast and dumb.” There are also tips and suggestions, as well as stories, anecdotes, and examples. This book will teach you how to run a profitable business. If you’re in the business of building things, you’ll want to check out this book.

Lessons from Enterprise Architecture

It is not just for enterprise architects. In this useful book, enterprise architects will find 101 lessons that make sense. In other words, they will help you design your business better by giving you better information. You will also learn how to make an how to make an enterprise architecture that works for both your business and your customers. You might be surprised by how many businesses don’t follow this simple rule.

Cross-pollination is very important to the success of enterprise architecture. Accept new words like “DevSecOps” to keep up with changes in the field. Talk to the important people. Architects need to know about all parts of a business. This will help them figure out what’s going on and what to do about it. They can also make better designs for new systems. In the end, all businesses can learn from these lessons.
The basic idea

The foundation course in architecture at Cooper Union focuses on the history of architecture and gives a broad overview of global achievements and local building traditions. The course also includes a single timeline of architecture, which shows how different building styles developed at the same time.

Architecture of applications

The architecture of an app shows what its main features and services are. An architecture model shows how to solve a problem by using the subject’s principles and characteristics. One part of the model is described by a building block. An application framework is an example of an architectural model. Transactions that affect sales, adding new customers, and changing contracts are all examples of core business entities.

Traditional web applications had more than one page, but cloud services have made this type of application less common. Organizations can choose one of four application architecture models based on their business needs: monolithic, microservice, cloud-based, or a hybrid approach.

Web services based on REST

The RESTful web services style requires that resources and entities be persistent and accessible through a RESTful interface. These services should have links to other resources in a hierarchy, as well as to the parent resource and its children. Cache-Control and Last-Modified headers are also part of the RESTful model to show caching. When making a RESTful web service, it’s important to keep these things in mind.

A web service that exposes system resources and gives data in a standard format is called “RESTful.” It helps developers make mashups that work with existing systems and meet integration requirements. RESTful web services are becoming more and more popular because they make these resources available and let users extend and build bigger services. Here are some of the benefits of RESTful web services.


Business architecture is a key point of view that connects business to IT, project portfolio, risk governance, and enterprise strategy. It connects business capability and enterprise strategy. But it isn’t just for architects. It helps all types of executives and managers change their business processes and stay competitive in a world that is getting faster and faster.

In this class, students look at how structure, spatial organization, and the environment all work together. They also learn about the technical side of architecture and how to use methods like computing, simulation, and life-cycle assessment. This course also looks at the business side of architecture and how it affects the growth of the field. At the end of the course, we talk about the future of architecture and look at how professional design firms in Seattle use sustainable design practices.